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Fleet Management

The application's Fleet management module has been designed to maintain our clients' fleet data, and to analyze the data sent and processed by the tracking unit. The following menu items allow you to easily query and analyze your fleet's information.



The device menu allows users to look at their devices' information in detail, such as device ID, name, unique code, the related vehicle's number plate and the related phone number. The device information is displayed in a filterable and sortable list. If the device is paired with a vehicle, the vehicle icon appears at the left side in the the list, next to the pencil icon. By clicking on the vehicle icon, the vehicle's info window opens, from where users may directly navigate to the vehicle's datasheet with the Show details/Edit button.

Paired vehiclePaired vehicle info

The name, numberplate, pnone number, and the device's group membership can be modified by clicking on the Edit button (pencil icon) at the left end of the row.

Device data edit

The two buttons responsible for the Search and the Column configuration are located at the bottom left corner. The devices may be searched by name, unique code or group membership, the columns' configuration can be compiled from a pop-up list.

SearchColumn configuration

Fleet Events

Fleet Events

This option gives the opportunity to create or import events, also to modify and search between the already existing ones. The created events are displayed horizontally in the table, their parameters are arranged in columns. By clicking on the columns header, users can arrange the events by the given parameter.

The events can be searched based on vehicle type, event type and date with the Search button.

The configuration of the columns in the table can be set using the Columns button.

Search & Columns

New Event

A New event can be created by clicking on the New event button, the frequently used event types can be selected from a drop down list, such as refueling (in this case data can be recorded more in detail), odometer correction, service, assurance and fine.

nolink&300|New eventNew event - refueling

In case the nature of the event does not meet any of the above mentioned criteria, it is still possible to register it by using the “other” event type. After having chosen the event type, the next step is the event’s description in the “Name” field, then the registration of the “event date”. Optionally the odometer standing, and in case it is relevant, the event location can also be saved.

Event import

By using the Import button, users can upload events by default in CSV, but but according to individual or corporate needs, events could be uploaded in other formats too.

Event import

Edit event

Events can be edited with the pencil on the left side of the list, data, costs, and notifications can be edited and registered in the opening window.

Edit event

Data modification

Under the Event data tab, users can modify the event's date and name, if the event's location has been registered at the time of the event creation, it can be displayed on the map with the Show on map button.

Data modification


Expense modificationExpense modification

The next tab to the right is the Expenses, which will be explained later, under the Expenses menu in Fleet management. New expenses can be registered after filling out the mandatory fields, as well as existing records can be modified and searched based on event type using this option. The column's configuration is also available here as elsewhere.


NotificationsNew notification

Under the Notifications tab, users can create Email and/or text message (SMS) notifications regarding future events, (i.e. service event). Notifications can be triggered either by the vehicle's mileage, or based on the due date. If the user chooses the due date, the notification date can be set one day, one week or one month beforehand.



Within Fleet Management, this option provides the most utilization opportunity, primarily for operations directly related to vehicles assigned to the user, besides, here are several features that can also be accessed as individual points in Fleet Management, and their operation is indirectly related to the handling of vehicles. These are the Events, Costs, and Manage Groups (mentioned as Groups in Fleet Management).

The vehicles data is displayed in rows in the table. The columns in order from left to right start with the pencil to modify the vehicles data and the delete button, then the company name, the vehicle type, name, license plate, mileage, contry code and finally the description of the vehicles properties.

New vehicleNew vehicle

To create a new vehicle use the New vehicle button loctaed in the bottom left corner under the table. After saving the basic information (company, type, production year, etc.) a new window will automatically open, in it the users can record technical data of the vehicle in detail.

The next option is the Group management, the window opens with the Manage groups button.

Manage groupsGroup viewGroup membership

By clicking on the pencil icon users can modify the group's properties, i.e. name and description, and the vehicles', devices' and persons' group membership can also be handled here. New group can be created with the New group button located in the bottom left corner, next to it is the Search button, which filters the stock based on group name.

The last three options are the Search, the XLS export and the Columns. The search filters the vehicles based on their properties, such as registration number, fuel type, name, ID, etc., the export button downloads the filtered result in XLS format, the columns button allows the users to switch any column on and off in the table.

Vehicles' data modification

The vehicles' data modifying window opens by clicking on the pencil icon at the left.

 |Vehicles' data modification

The first of the five available tab is the Data tab, where the vehicle's technical data (color, fuel type, displacement volume, performance, emission standard, consumption, etc.) and the identification information (registration number, unique identifier, chassis number, engine number and nationality mark) can be edited and modified. Photos and notes can be uploaded too, and if necessary, extra data fields can be added to record further informations.

Vehicles' data modification

The vehicle-device, vehicle-vehicle and vehicle-person pairings are located under the Pairings tab.


Having selected the pairing type, users can either create a pairing for a definite period of time, or, an open pairing with no end date, with the “New pairing” button. An open vehicle-device pairing closes automatically when a different device is paired with the same vehicle, and it also can be manually closed. The vehicle-vehicle pairing can be useful in case of a tow-trailer combination, or in case of transporting vehicles on a trailer. The vehicle-person pairings will be explained in detail in the Driving behaviour chapter.

The Events/Notifications has already been described under Fleet Events, and it is also avaialble in this menu point.


The Expenses/Documents will be explained below as Expenses, an autonomous menu point here, in the Fleet management. The function is accessible here in the vehicles' data modifying window, and from the Fleet Events modifying window too. New expense can be registered with the New expense button, after filling the mandatory fields, such as: the type, name, amount and currency.


The vehicles' group membership can be handled under the Vehicle groups tab, the vehicle can be added to, or removed from a selected group.

Vehicle groups

Fuel price

Fuel price

This module of the Fleet management allows users to register fuel prices in the system. Registered fuel prices are the prerequisite of displaying the Consumed fuel cost in Evaluation. Within a company, only one valid fuel price can be registered per fuel type, the registration of a new price closes the previous valid price. The columns in the table are the followings from left to right: edit/modify (pencil icon), start date, end date, fuel type, price and currency. The Start date and End date columns' content can be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking on their header.

New priceNew price

New price can be registered with the New fuel price button. After selecting the company, date, currency and fuel type, filling the price and saving the new entry, the new fuel price will appear in the list. The table's content can be filtered based on the fuel type, start and end date. The current, valid prices are at the top of the list by default, the outdated prices take place below in descending order.

In case a fuel price is registered retrospectively (for a certain period of time in the past), the Recalculate fuel cost button will correct the fuel costs of the concerned vehicles.

 |Recalculate fuel cost

The Search and Columns buttons are also in the bottom left corner, as well as for other tables.


This module of the Fleet management allows users to create new persons or to modify the details of already existing ones, also to manage persons' group membership .


The table's content is organized in the already known fiterable and sortable list, the parameters are the followings from left to right: first name, last name, place and time of birth, nationality and mother tongue. Each columns content can alphabetically be sorted by clicking on the header.

The user's data can be edited with the pencil icon on the left side of the table. Any data can be modified in the opening window, group membership can be managed, photo or document can also be uploaded, as well as notes can be added too.

Modify person dataCreate new personNew person

By clicking on the New person button a new person can be created in the system, following the filling of the mandatory fields (company, first and last name). Further detailed personal data can also be recorded, and the selected person can be paired with a system user. The person-system user pairing is the prerequisite of the driver identification function, which will be explained in detail HERE.

The next function is the Manage groups, it has its own menu point in the Fleet management, but is also available here too. The function will be explained in detail HERE.

Manage groups

The last two options are the Search and the Columns. Persons can be searched based on first and last name, as well as group membership. Deleted persons can be displayed too, the columns allocations is also configurable.


Here, users only can view, delete and search Notifications created in Fleet events.


Notifications can be searched based on type (Email or text message), a click on the magnifier at the left end of the row will show the details of the notification, the calendar next to the magnifier displays the event's details. The creation and management of notifications has been explained earlier in Notifications

Partner companies

This menu allows users to register partner companies, their most important informations (company name, contact informations, business profile) are easy to spot in the list.

Partner companiesNew partner company

A partner company's details can be registered by clicking on the New partner company button. After saving the basic informations, further details can be recorded in the modifying window. Several contact details can be saved for one company, the primary one, which will appear in the list, can be selected from a drop-down list. When creating an expense item in the system, it can be associated with a partner company, therefore the expenses can be analyzed per partner company too.



This option allows users to create groups, or to display the groups they have previously created, and the already existing groups can be searched by name.

Új csoportÚj csoport

The pencil icon at the left side of the list edits the group's details, the group's name and description can be modified in the opening window. Having created the group, the membership of devices, vehicles and persons can also be handled by editing the group's details. The rulechains' group membership can only be handled in the Rules function.

Modify group dataModify membership

Including any asset (device, vehicle, person or rule) in a common group along a certain point of view highlights the significance of groups. In many functions of the application the assets can be searched based on group membership, in this case the the group itself represents the point of view, according to which the user granted the membership. The point of view can be a vehicle type, operational area or the scope of activities, etc.


The Fleet management's Expenses function is, where business costs and expenses are recorded. New expense item can be created after filling the mandatory fields, such as expense type, name or short description, net amount, VAT, currency, and if available the company.


As the same function is available in Vehicles, under the Expenses/Documents tab as well as in Fleet events under the Expenses tab, those expense items created in the above mentioned functions, are appearing in this list.

Expenses/Documents in vehicles

The function allows users to upload documents as well, i.e. invoices, PDF, etc. New expense item can be created with the New expense button, the expense can be linked to a Partner company, this way the expenses can be analized per partner company too.



In the Tachograph function, any user having the necessary permissions can download data from a selected vehicle's tachograph. Our system cannot evaluate the downloaded data, therefore the handling of the data is limited to downloading and storing it. This functions is optional, only available for those having the necessary permissions, the availability can be activated on demand. This menu only allows to access the latest download with the arrow at the right, all the downloads are available in the Documentum store's Tachograph menu.


Two types of tachograph data (vehicle and driver/co-driver data) is available either for occasional or scheduled download.

 |Download schedule

The successful download depends on several conditions:

  • Our product, the HolaTacho application is installed and running on the PC which has a network connection, and the company card is connected to the computer
  • The ignition is on in the vehicle equipped with the tachograph
  • To download the drivers' data, the driver card has to be inserted in the tachograph

Online Parking

Our customers can currently use our online parking function in Hungary, in the overground parking zones operated by NMF Zrt., according to the conditions specified in the parking contract.

Parking contract

The use of the online parking function is subject to authorization and is only available to our customers after the conclusion of the relevant contract.

To conclude the online parking contract, we offer a state-of-the-art solution. The contract may be concluded online. The contract is accessible from three interfaces in the fleet management web service, without personal contact:

  1. by clicking the New Parking button in the panel that can be opened with the P button on the right side of the header,
  1. by clicking the Start Parking button in the parking panel that opens by clicking in the parking zone,
  2. and by clicking the P button in the upper right corner of the info panel that opens from the vehicle icon.

Our users find a short guide about concluding the contract in the opening window.

 Contract info

If our client wishes to make use of the function, he/she indicates his/her intention by clicking the Create Contract button, then the system will create the contract and load the acceptance interface.

 Contract acceptance

Our customers can study the contract in its entirety, and conclude the contract by clicking the Accept the Contract button.

Parking balance

The incurring costs are covered by our users’ prepaid parking balance. Having concluded the contract and topped up the balance, the function may be immediately used.

Topping up the parking balance

We offer two options for topping up your balance:

  • with the top-up button in the parking panel that opens from the header,
  • and in the Parking menu of the Fleet Management module, with the button to the right, above the parking list.

You can currently top up your balance using the SimplePay online payment service. The minimum amount of a single upload is HUF 5,000, and the maximum is HUF 100,000. You can add HUF 5,000, HUF 10,000 and HUF 25,000 to the balance using the hotkeys, furthermore, any amount divisible by a thousand can be topped up between the maximum and minimum limits, by filling in the value manually.

The balance of the virtual wallet has no upper limit. The current amount of the balance is indicated next to the top-up button.

Parking balance settings

We offer two parameters that can be set as desired:

  • the one is the minimum balance, if the available amount falls below the set value, parking cannot be started until the balance is topped up by the customer,
  • the other is the alert limit, if the wallet balance falls below the specified value, our user will be notified by email.

By default, both amounts are zero, if you want to change this, please contact your business contact

Start parking

We offer three options to start online parking on the web interface of the HolAzAuto system:

  • by clicking the New Parking button in the panel that can be opened with the P button on the right side of the header,
 Start parking from header
  • by clicking the start parking button in the panel detailing the parking zone details, which opens by clicking on the parking zone,
 Start parking from zone
  • and by clicking the P button in the upper right corner of the info panel that opens from the vehicle icon.
 Start parking from vehicle

No matter which way our customer initiates parking, in the next step he/she arrives at the panel specifying the parking details.

Manage parkings from the header

Starting from the header, our customers can select any vehicle in any zone. A click on the New Parking button in the panel opens the Parking Details window which allows our users to set the parking parameters. Our clients will encounter this window during the other two parking initiation processes too. The vehicle settings are on the left side of the window, the parking zone settings and the duration of the parking are indicated on the right side.

 Parking parameters settings

Having selected the vehicle name, the remaining data (license plate number, country code, etc.) is filled in automatically. The following data must be set on the vehicle datasheet by our users, otherwise, the online parking will not function as intended:

  • vehicle name
  • license plate number
  • the country code (selected from the drop-down menu, not free text!)
  • and the exact vehicle type, which is important due to the tariff categories.

The Prepare Parking button remains inactive until all required fields are filled out. If our customer tries to start parking with a vehicle that has incomplete or incorrect data, (e.g. missing license plate number or incorrect country code format), an error message warns the user, the contents of the affected fields are deleted, and a button marked with a pencil icon appears. A click on the pencil opens the datasheet of the given vehicle, where the data can be updated, or the wrong format can be corrected.

 Wrong country code

After selecting the appropriate parking zone, the information about the toll periods, the minimum parking time and the amount will be displayed on the right, below the data fields.

The start time of parking is automatically filled with the current time. Our clients may change this as required, of course, it is not possible to set a date earlier than the current date. Once the date is also set, parking can be prepared.

In case the user wants to park a vehicle for several days, he/she must also fill in the end date of the renewal period. The renewal period may be a maximum of 5 calendar days. The end date of the parking period - which is the end of the chargeable period on the given day - may be set in the calendar that appears after clicking in the field. During the renewal period, our system will daily stop the parking at the end of the chargeable period, then restart it the next morning at the start of the chargeable period. The parking can be stopped manually at any time during the renewal period.

Clicking the Prepare parking button displays the complete parking information, including the planned end date of the parking - the end time of the chargeable period on the current day - and the planned cost of the parking. If the parking balance does not cover the planned cost, our customer will receive an error message.


Clicking the Start Parking button will start the parking, a click on the Start parking and create new button will also start the parking, meanwhile, the Parking Details panel reopens in the background to prepare the next parking. The successful parking is confirmed by the message below.

 Succesful parking confirmation

The closure of a running parking may be initiated by clicking on the Parking Details button marked with the pencil icon, which is located in the panel that can be opened from the header.

 Parking closure

The panel details the information relating to the given parking, a click on the Stop Parking button concludes the ongoing process.

 Stop parking

Then, the system summarizes the details of the closed parking.

 Summarized information

Manage parkings from the parking zone

If the parking starts from a specific parking zone, it differs from the process already described. The zone in the Parking Details window is filled in automatically and cannot be changed.

 Start parking from zone

Other than that, the process is the same as described in the previous chapter.

Manage parkings from vehicle

If parking is started from a specific vehicle, it is the same as described in the chapter Manage parkings from the header, except for the following two conditions:

  1. parking may only be started for the given vehicle
  2. and only for zones in the vicinity of the vehicle.
 Nearby zones

If there is no parking zone near the vehicle, it is not possible to start parking from the vehicle.

 No nearby parking zones

Parking menu

The Parking menu is the administrative interface of the online parking function. The list of parkings, the filter panel, the data export, and, as already mentioned, the parking balance can be found here, which the user can also top up from this interface too.

 List of parkings

When the interface loads, the filter panel is in the foreground, the current day parkings are in the background.

 Filter panel

All prepared parkings are displayed in the multifunction list already known from other functions of the system. Those items are considered prepared, that our customer has successfully advanced to the status shown below, by clicking the Prepare Parking button in the Parking Details window:

 Details Prepared

Filtering the parking list

The filter panel appears by default when you enter the menu. It can be reopened any time by clicking the magnifying glass icon above the top left corner of the list.


The contents of your parking list are easily filterable using the search parameters. Our customers can search in the list along the following parameters:

  • time period
  • transaction ID
  • state of parking
  • user
  • vehicle
  • parking zone

The time period may be selected using the fixed periods available in the date picker, any interval may be set manually, furthermore the start and end times help you search too. The states of the parking process are as follows:

  • Pending - prepared within 4 hours, but not yet started
  • Running - all successfully started parking that has not yet been finished, this includes parking started with a future date
  • Cancelled - stopped within 1 minute of starting; parking prepared, then aborted with the “Cancel” button; those parkings that have been in a prepared condition for more than 4 hours but have never been started; and those prepared parkings that failed to start due to a user error (e.g. low balance). The common feature of interrupted parkings is that there is no cash flow in these cases, we do not debit the customer's balance.
  • Unsuccessful - parking not failed due to user fault
  • Closed - successfully finished parkings

Having set the desired search criteria, clicking the Query button will display the result in the list.

List of parkings

The parkings will appear in the list as soon as they reach the prepared state. At this stage, the transaction ID, start date, parking zone name, vehicle registration number, email address of the user initiating the parking, and the parking status will be displayed in the list. This data will be supplemented later, after closure, with the remaining information, i.e. the end date of the parking and the parking fee.

To the left of each parking entry is a button marked with a magnifying glass icon. Clicking the button opens a map view of the parking lot, in which the position of the parked vehicle is shown by a blue buoy.

Exporting parking data

Click the Export button above the top left corner of the list to export the list content in .xls format.

 Data export

Lists, queries

 |Lists, queriesProfiles

Using Lists and queries, users can create expense reports based on expenses registered in the system. The expense reports can be queried per person or vehicle, per expense type, or per company/fleet.

Query profiles

Having selected the required profile in the Query profiles list, the Run profile button (triangle icon) on the left side loads the profile's parameters, the Set interval button (calendar icon) next to it offers the selection of frequently used intervals.

 |Profile settings

Custom date settings can be set by clicking in the start and end date fields. If required, the profile parameters (vehicle selection, expense type, ect.) can be modified before running the query.

 |Dátumválasztó & Elküldés

The query's result

Having clicked the Submit button, the result will be displayed. Th e query's parameters (vehicles, persons, expense type, etc.) are on the left side of the result table, the expense items are on the right, divided into net, VAT and gross amount. The total amount is indicated in the bottom row of the table.


The query results may be exported / downloaded in PDF format.


Public sharing

The Public sharing function allows our customers to share the position of their vehicles with people outside the HolAzAutó system, no access to our system is required to see the shared location.

Create the public URL

The public sharing function is available in the Current positions interface, in device, vehicle and person view as well, by right-clicking the asset icon.

 Public sharing

Click Public sharing in the context menu to display the URL, then copy it to the clipboard.

 Copy to clipboard

The URL may be forwarded to the end-user via chat, email, etc. No access required to the HolAzAutó Fleet Management system to use it, anyone can easily open it either with a single click or by pasting it into the web browser's address bar. The shared vehicle position is displayed on an OSM map and shows real-time data.

Manage public sharing

By default, the URL is active for three hours after creation, but the validity may be extended under the Public Sharing menu item in the Fleet Management module. The list contains only active shares.

 Active shares

A click on the pencil icon at the left side of the list opens the sharings' management interface.

 Edit share details

The interface allows our clients to change the start and end date of the validity period, and to modify the vehicle name visible to people using the public URL.


The public URL can be copied to the clipboard over and over again by clicking the share button in the list.

 Copy to clipboard

The validity period can be extended by an additional hour without opening the management interface, by clicking the button marked with a ➕ icon to the right of the share button.

 Extend the validity

Clicking on the trash can icon will delete the given share, meaning that the URL expires immediately.

 Delete share

The list contains only the currently valid shares, the entry will be deleted upon expiration.