Table of Contents

The option Evaluation is one of the most commonly used function of our application. In here, users can retrieve the necessary information either by running any of the pre-defined System profiles, or by running one of the User and company profiles. The options System profiles, “User and company profiles and the New query can be found in the sidebar which slides in from the right when opening the option Evaluation from the main menu.
Query profiles
System profiles

The System profiles are pre-defined, default queries, they create the result from row data along aspects which are commonly used in company management. Users can change the configuration of these profiles, and the modified profiles can be saved as User and company profiles, either with the same, or with a new name.
New query and the creation of a User or Company profile

User and company profiles are created by combining the query criteria that it meets the company's specific demands. Running a few pre-defined profile, then evaluating the result gives our users enough insight, hence help too, so they can start creating their own User and company profiles. The button New query opens the window Search and results. The range of the data what the report will take into account can be specified in the Filter panel on the left side, the report's aspects can be compiled on the right, in the Configuration and result panel. The Filter's parameters define the report's interval, the range of the devices, vehicles and drivers, the purpose of use (private/professional), the displacement, the motoring offences and the so called aggregated options (the values displayed in the result table). Should the new profile be used again later, perhaps regularly, it can be saved in the User and company profiles list.
Search panel

The system aggregates the data along the parameters set in the search panel, on the left side of the window. The result is displayed on the right, in the Configuration and result panel. The following search criteria are available in the search panel: time interval, the range of the considered vehicles, devices and drivers, nature of use, standing / motion, rule violation events, and the aggregated options. The display of the aggregated options can be switched on and off in the result table column by column.
Configuration and result table

In case the user does not define a specific time period, the report will display information concerning the current day by default, if there is no device, vehicle or driver selected, the report takes all of them into account.
Route display modes

The queries' result is displayed on the right, in the Configuration and result panel. The selected dimensions are displayed horizontally in the table, the aggregated options are displayed vertically, in columns. The result can also be displayed on map. When clicking on a row in the result table, there are three display modes available: Daily routes, Route evaluation, Heat map.
Daily routes

Choosing the daily route display, The routes made during the examined time interval are displayed in a scrollbar on the right side of the screen. Every route section is represented by a card, which contains basic information such as departure/arrival address, distance, maximum and average speed. The routes are displayed by day, and by sections within a day. The first route section within the queried interval is always displayed on the map by default. A particular section can be displayed on the map by clicking on its card, the departure and arrival location can be viewed in detail by clicking on the arrow next to the address.
The Daily routes display is able to process 5000km / 3100mi distance by default, but the range can be modified based on individual or company needs.
Route evaluation

Choosing the Route evaluation display the routes made during the queried interval are displayed by route sections. The route sections are displayed chronologically from top to bottom in a scrollable list which drops down from above. The sections' properties are indicated in the list, such as departure/arrival address and time, driving and stop time, distance, maximum and average speed. By positioning the cursor above the departure or arrival address two hovering button appear: the crosshairs, which zooms onto the location on the map, and the POI icon, which allows users to create a new POI around the address. A selcted route section is highlighted in yellow in the list, and the path is highlighted in red on the map. By clicking on a route section on the map, it becomes red, the list rolls to the corresponding row, which is highlighted in yellow.
This display mode is able to process 2500km / 1550mi distance by default, but the range can be modified based on individual or company needs.
Heat map

This function is rather able to visualize high mileage than short distances, either the mileage of a vehicle over a long period of time, or the mileage of a large fleet of vehicles over a shorter period of time. Using the heat map mode it is easy to detect which routes are most frequently used by the vehicles, motorways or even regions can be overviewed by zoming further out on the map.
This display mode is able to process 500 000km / 310500mi distance by default, but the range can be modified based on individual or company needs.

The complete reports are not only available within the application, but they can be downloaded by clicking on the Export button which is located at the bottom of the Filter panel. The following frequently used formats are available for download:
- Excel
- Extended Excel
- PDF Logbook
It is important that the PDF Logbook only considers vehicles selected in the Search panel.

Having selected the appropriate download format and the distance calculation's base, a popup window provides the opportunity to decide whether to navigate to the document store to download the report, or to continue working in the Evaluation.

Export scheduler
As a comfort function, the system allows to schedule the export of the result of system and user profiles. The scheduler opens with the button located at the bottom, in the dock.

The scheduler window contains the scheduled exports's list, the delete button is on the left, the scheduled export's name is displayed on the right.

The parameters of a new schedule can be set in the window which opens by clicking on the New scheduled query button, in the bottom left corner, below the scheduled export's list.

The scheduled export's result is always available in the Document store, but it is also possible to have it sent to one or more email addresses. This way there's no need to login to the application, the result can be simply downloaded from the selected users' mail client.
The scheduled export's source, the used system or user profile and the exported file's format can also be selected from a drop-down list.

The distance calculation basis and the frequency of scheduling has to be set as well.

The two remaining option is the schedule's start date (which cannot be in the past) along with the time and date of scheduled export's execution.
In case of daily recurrence, the export can be run from daily frequency to every 31 days, weekly recurrence allows to select any day of the week, on the condition of monthly recurrence, any day of the month can be selected to obtain the export.