Table of Contents
Driver identification
The Driver identification is an important element of the application. Using the function it is simple and quick to find out, who and when was driving which vehicle. The use of the function is subject to terms and conditions.
There is two ways to link a person with a vehicle. It can happen either manually, in the Fleet management menu in Vehicles, on the vehicle data sheet under the Pairings tab, or automatically, by using the RFID key. The identifiable driver has to have an application user with valid login credentials, and it also has to be created as a person in the system, in Fleet management, in the Persons menu, linked to the identifiable user as driver.
In case of automatic identification, the installed device has to be prepared to recognize the RFID key.
If all prerequisites are met, the identified driver appears in several functions. It is displayed in the asset’s info window in Current positions, on the vehicle’s data sheet in Fleet management, it can be set as search criteria or dimension in Evaluation, and if a vehicle has been driven by more than one driver in the selected period, the vehicle will be evaluated with each driver in Driving behaviour.
Manual pairing

In order to make a pairing manually, go to the vehihcle’s data sheet, open the Pairings tab, and create a new pairing in the Vehicle-person pairings section. The from date is mandatory to fill, then select the person from the drop down list, then choose the driver role.
Choosing the manual mode gives the opportunity to create pairings retrospectively in the past, also to create future pairings. After creating a future pairing manually, pay attention that the RFID identification closes down all actual or open pairings! So if an RFID identification happens before the start date of the manually created future pairing, the future pairing will be closed.
When using manual pairings, do not forget to set the end date of the pairing when applicable, because as it is manual, the beginning of the next pairing will not automatically close the previous one.
As explained above, the RFID identification overwrites the manual pairing, so the mixed use of the two procedures is not recommended.
RFID identification / Automatic pairing
When using the RFID key, the pairing appears automatically in the Vehicle-person pairings list, on the vehicle’s data sheet. In order to use the function the driver has to have an RFID key, the device fitted in the vehicle has to be prepared to recognize the key or keys, and has to be fitted with an RFID sensor.
The RFID identification can be, and usually is used together with the ignition restriction, when the ignition is only allowed after a successful RFID identification.
Following the successful identification, the pairing appears on the vehicle’s data sheet, in the Fleet management’s Vehicle modul. It remains open/active, until:
- two coordinates is received after switching the ignition off, or
- a new RFID identification happens while the ignition is constantly on, or
- a new manual identification occures, or
- the RFID identification is manually closed.