Table of Contents
The list of users
When you open the Users function in the Fleet Management module, you find the list of logged-in users for whom you have the appropriate object permission.

Going from left to right in the list, there are two buttons, the first is the button marked with a pencil to modify the user's data, and the button marked with the padlock icon that navigates to the user's permissions.
Following these two buttons, the user's email address, first name, last name, the name of the linked person - if there is one, and the phone number can be found.
The control buttons

Above the list, in the upper left corner, are the New User, Search, Column Configuration, and Export buttons. The search can be performed by combining a number of different parameters, and you can customize the display and layout of the columns in the table to suit your own needs, as you can in other interfaces of the application.

There are two buttons on the left side of the list. The one on the left - marked with a pencil - allows to modify the user's data, and the one to the right - marked with a padlock icon - navigates to the user's object permissions.
Creating a new user
This feature allows you to create two types of users: the functional user, who can log in to the application, and the technical user.
The functional user
The functional user has a username (valid email address) and password, so they can log in to the app and use the features made available to them.

The data sheet that opens when you click the New User button asks you to save the basic data. The first and last name fields are optional, the required fields are:
- Company (if the user is involved in more than one company)
- Language
- E-mail
- Password
After filling in and saving the basic data, the new user will appear in the list. Clicking on the pencil on the left side of the list opens the user data editing interface, where you can enter additional information, which is discussed in the Edit User section below.
Function permissions and roles of the functional user function
In order for the user to function properly, the function rights that the user will need in his/her position must be assigned, when the user is created. Without these privileges, the required functions will not be available to the user following the login.
Several individual function rights are required for a given function of the application to properly work. In the user interface of the fleet management module, the function rights may only be assigned based on the functions of the application, not individually. A set of functions required for the usage of a given function is called a role. Of course, it may be necessary to assign multiple roles to fill a user's job.

Select the appropriate roles from the list below to compile the set required by the user’s position:
- Current positions: to use Current Positions feature
- Past position and analysis: to use the Past positions and Evaluation features
- Control functions: comprehensive role to use control functions, includes: the Dashboard; the Rule Manager and its associated notifications and alerts; Driver Behavior; Fleet Events, Notifications, and the Vehicle List in the Fleet Management module
- User Management: to use the Users function in the Fleet Management module
- Fleet Administration: To use the functions of the Fleet Management Module not specifically mentioned in this list
- Holadisplay: to use the HolADisplay mobile app
- Holadisplay tracking: to use the Device Status feature of the mobile app
- Holadisplay transport: to use the Start route function of the mobile application
- Transport: to use the Transport module of the web application
- Parking management: to start and stop parking
- Show parkings: to display the list of parkings
- Invoicing and Contracts: To use the Invoices and Contracts interface in the document store
- Tachograph: to use the Tachograph function of the fleet manager
- The Form Management, Form Completion, and Form Tracking roles ensure the visibility and manageability of our forms for our customers who use our unique record management module.
The permissions assigned at the time of the creation of the user may be modified later on.
Technical user
The technical user does not have a password, is not able to log in to the application, only plays a role in driver or passenger identification.
When creating a new user, having saved the basic data, the user profile can be reclassified as a technical user by opening the user profile and checking out the technical user option.

A technical user may also be generated during driver or passenger identification, provided that there is no user associated with the person to be identified as driver or passenger.
In this case, the system opens a dialog box that offers two options:
- technical user generation
- link the person to an existing user
A technical user generated in this way will receive an invalid email address (when re-qualifying as a functional user, the format can be corrected manually!), which is generated by the application using the person's name.
No matter if it’s a generated or reclassified technical user, it can be changed to a functional user.

The users’ list can be filtered by the following search criteria:
- First name
- Last name
- E-mail address
- Phone number
- Driver identification
The driver identification criterion examines whether the user is suitable for driver or passenger identification, i.e., has an RFID identification code. The identification code can be recorded on the user's data sheet.

The layout of the list’s columns is customizable by clicking the Columns button in the upper left corner. You can also set the order of the columns in the list by dragging and dropping the headers.
Modifying the user information

In the modification window that opens by clicking on the pencil, all the data belonging to the user can be modified, as follows:
- Subscriber
- Function permissions
- E-mail address
- First name
- Last name
- Password
- Phone number
- Country
- Language
- Start day of the week (calendar display setting)
- City
- Title
- Postcode
- Gender
- Year of birth
- Technical user (technical user only plays a role in driver identification, no password, unable to log in)
- RFID code (condition for driver or passenger identification)
- Deleted (user status in the system)
The user’s object permissions
Once one of the most important user-related feature is object authorization, clicking the padlock navigates to the Authorization Manager, opens and preloads the search box with the given user's name.
Searching with this setting results in all the permissions for that user. Narrowing the search criteria further increases the accuracy of the results.