The Map Interface

The Map Interface

Map styles

There are several map types and styles available, besides what OSM (Open Street Map) offers, Google Maps (Streets, Satellite, Hybrid and Terrain) can be selected too. On demand, the petrol stations, buildings and parking spaces can also be displayed on the map, to browse the options use the button located in the bottom right corner of the window.
Google Maps can only be used if the user has the permission, it is an optional feature.

Map styles


nolink&900|POI list

On the left side of the map selector, the Point Of Interest (POI) button gives the opportunity to choose between the already created POIs from a drop-down list. The POI menu is also available at the bottom of the screen on the dock, users may select from POIs and POI groups. New POI creation may be initiated with a right click on the map. Using POI-based rules and rule chains, users are able to learn about area related events, such as leaving or entering, being within or out of POIs.

 |POI menu dock icon

Google StreetView

In case there is Google StreetView available in a 100m area on the map, it only takes a right click to open it, if there isn’t, an error message will be displayed. By opening the Google StreetView from the dock, the last used view appears.

Google streetview


The magnifier’s scale is located in the top right corner of the map, the rectangular magnifier, the measurement of distance and area, the printing, the search and the zoom to all buttons are next to it on the left side.

Map controllers